četvrtak, 31. svibnja 2012.

Kid and a monkey

Here's one picture I need caption for so please add your in comments! This is so funny as hell for posting on walls so share it with your friends and post in comments here funniest caption or comment. Thanks a bunch! :D

Funny kid and a monkey

četvrtak, 24. svibnja 2012.

Post any image in facebook chat!

That's right! Now you can post any image you want in facebook chat! We found a tool for that and it's very easy to use.Just upload image,click on "make" and copy&paste code in facebook chat window.
Here's some samples of images we posted in facebook chat:

Click here to make your own unique images for facebook chat!

ponedjeljak, 21. svibnja 2012.

Heart shapes for facebook wall

Tell someone how much you love him by posting heart shapes on his wall!

____ (¯`(♥)´¯) _____(¯`(♥)´¯)
___¶¶ (_.^._)¶¶__¶_¶¶(_.^._)¶¶
____________ ¶¶¶¶¶


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_________________ __000_____00_____________________

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Or give him some flowers:


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::: / : : : :`\: : :\ ::::
::: |: : : : : |: : :| ::
:::: \ : : : :/ : : / :::::
:::::: `=(:/:)=` :::::
:::::::: `-;`;-’ ::::::::
::::::::::: || :: , ::::::
::::::::::: ||_-’| ::::::
::::::: |’-: || : / ::::::
::::::::\ : || :’ / ::::::
::::::: \ : || : /:::::::
::::::::: \:|| : /::::::
::::::::: \:||:/ :::::::
::::::::::::|| :::::::::
::::::::::::|| :::::::::
::::::::::::|| :::::::::
::::::::::::|| :::::::::
